社會 Society

YFY is committed to creating a warm and stable environment that is like home. We hope that our stakeholders will be able to grow as YFY grows, together.

We follow the letter corporate governance best practice and never compromise our commitment to people-centred, health and safety, diversified growth , and sustainability. 

Goals and Performances

Good Health And Well-being Good Health And Well-being
Quality Education Quality Education
Gender Equality Gender Equality
Decent Work and Economic Growth Decent Work and Economic Growth
Reduced Inequalities Reduced Inequalities
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Management Policy

Management Policy

  1. Committed to achieve the safety and health of all employees, and strive to ensure comprehensive working conditions and practice the principle of equality. Ensure that customers have a good product experience and continue to provide excellent products and services.
  2. Compliance with environmental, social, economic and other relevant laws and regulations, implementation of target management to ensure that information and necessary resources can be provided.
  3. Use ISO 45001, 9001, 22000, HACCP, etc. as the management basis, supplemented by internal related policies, regulations and information management systems, and then verified through third-party, internal and external audits to continuous improvement and corrections.

Social Topics

Human Capital Development

Talent cultivation is a major goal of YFY. To enhance Taiwan's talent competitiveness and in response to the global emphasis on ESG and DEI, YFY Inc. has officially announced its renewed commitment to the "2024 TALENT, in Taiwan, Taiwan Talent Sustainability Action Alliance." We are dedicated to creating a diverse, equal, and inclusive workplace. Additionally, we continually measure the effectiveness of our human capital investments. For more details, please refer to 2023 Sustainability Report of the human capital investment return rate in the appendix.

Nurturing and Development

 To ensure the sustainable development of our company and to effectively face the various challenges of the market and industry environment, we hold strategic development consensus meetings for management, revise training and development regulations, and conduct competency assessments at all levels. Through systematic and continuous talent cultivation programs, we aim to inspire our employees to fully realize their potential and enhance their performance.

2023 Average Training Hours and Costs per Employee by Gender and Management Position
  Male Female Management Position Non-Management Position Total
Average Hours per Employee of Training (hours) 19.4 19.1 25.3 19.0 19.3
Average amount spent per Employee on Training (NTD) 1,441 1,407 1,279 1,440 1,432

*Data Scope: Includes employees from YFY Inc. and three business groups (Forest, Pulp & Paper Group/Containerboard and Packaging Group/Consumer Products Group).*Management Position: Management titles of grades 8 and above; Non-Management Position: Grades 7.

Diverse Learning Environment

YFY provides a variety of learning resources, including training for new employees, management, professionals, and general education, aimed at fostering self-improvement among our workforce. In 2023, over 73,000 people participated in educational training, with total expenditures exceeding NT$14 million. For detailed training results, please refer to the appendix on social data.

2023 Average Training Hours and Costs per Employee by Gender and Management Position
  Male Female Management Position Non-Management Position Total
Average Hours per Employee of Training (hours) 19.4 19.1 25.3 19.0 19.3
Average amount spent per Employee on Training (NTD) 1,441 1,407 1,279 1,440 1,432

*Data Scope: Includes employees from YFY Inc. and three business groups (Forest, Pulp & Paper Group/Containerboard and Packaging Group/Consumer Products Group).*Management Position: Management titles of grades 8 and above; Non-Management Position: Grades 7.

YFY Learning - Cloud Library

Employee Development Programs

To enhance organizational competitiveness, we are dedicated to implementing continuous talent development programs.

Employee Benefits

2023 Parental Leave Statistics
  Male Female
2022 Number of employees entitled to parental leave 44 25
2022 Number of employees who actually took parental leave 14 19
2022 Number of employees who should return to work after completing parental leave (A) 13 20
2022 Number of employees who actually returned to work (B) 8 16
2022  Number of employees who returned to work after parental leave (C) 7 10
Number of employees who returned to work after parental leave in 2021 and remained employed for 12 months (D) 5 9
Return rate (B/A) 61.51% 80.00%
Retention rate (D/C) 71.43% 90.00%

* Data Scope: Includes employees from all production sites listed in the "Operation and Production Sites," Yuen Foong Shop, Blue Economy Natural Resource, Shin Foong, YFY Development, Efon Enertech, etc.

Employee Information Statistics Category

YFY employs 10,288 people, with males comprising 70% of the workforce. Operations span Taiwan, mainland China, Vietnam, and the Netherlands. Employee composition is as follows :

2023 Employee Composition
  Taiwan Mainland China Vietnam Netherlands Total
By Region 5,286 3,364 1,574 4 10,228
By Gender Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
4,329 957 2,535 829 868 706 1 3 7,773 2,495
By Employment Contract Regular 4,288 941 2,496 805 868 706 1 3 7,653 2,455
Contractual 41 16 39 24 0 0 0 0 80 40
By Employment Type Full-time 4,313 955 2,535 829 868 706 1 3 7,717 2,493
Part-time 16 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 2

*Data Scope: Includes employees from all production sites listed in the "Entities included in the report"* "Regular" refers to employees who have signed inde­nite-term employment contracts with YFY.* "Contractual" refers to employees who have signed ­xed-term employment contracts with YFY.* "Full-time" refers to employees with a workweek of equal to or greater than 40 hours.* "Part-time" refers to employees with a workweek of less than 40 hours.


Distribution of Regular Employees by Age


Age Group   2020 2021 2022 2023
<30 years old Number of Employees 2,385 2,225 1,942 1,581
Percentage 24%   22% 19% 15%
30-50  years old Number of Employees 6,130   6,391 6,409 6,815
Percentage 62% 62% 64% 67%
>50  years old Number of Employees 1,371 1,650  1,712 1,809
Percentage 14% 16%  17% 18%

*Data Scope: Includes employees from all production sites listed in the “Entities included in the report”* Percentage: (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Employees) × 100%.

2023 Analysis of Gender Pay Gap


Difference Between Men and Women Employees
Mean gender pay gap 0.7%
Median gender pay gap 6.9%
Mean bonus gap
Median bonus gap -46.4%

* Data Scope: Employees in Taiwan. * Difference between men and women employees: [(Male Employee Salary - Female Employee Salary) / Male Employee Salary] x 100%

Number of new Employees by Gender
  2020 2021 2022 2023
Male 1303 1,310 1,765   1,494
Female 502 424 483  453
Total 1,805 1,734 2,248 1,947
Male 72.2%  
Female 27.8%
21.5% 23.3%

* Data Scope: Includes newly hired employees from all production sites listed in the "Entities included in the report".* Percentage: (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Newly Hired Employees) × 100%.

Number of new Employees by Age
  2020 2021 2022 2023
<30 years old 886             772 1,132 
31~50 years old 800             874 1,025
>51 years old 119               88 91
Total 1,805
<30 years old 49.1%
31~50 years old 44.3%
>51 years old 6.6%

*Data Scope: Includes newly hired employees from all production sites listed in the “Entities included in the report”.  *Percentage: (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Newly Hired Employees) × 100%.

Resigned Employees by Gender
  2020 2021 2022 2023
Male 1,607 1,537 1,607  1,417
Female 462 475 511 422
Male 77.7% 76.4% 75.9% 77.1%
Female 22.3% 23.6% 24.1% 22.9%
Total Turnover Rate  
Male 16.3% 15.0% 15.9% 13.9%
Female 4.7% 4.6% 5.1% 4.1%

*Data Scope: Includes resigned employees from all production sites listed in the “Entities included in the report”. * Percentage: (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Resigned Employees) × 100%.*Total Turnover Rate: (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Employees) × 100%.

Resigned Employees by Age
  2020 2021 2022 2023
<30 years old 910 816 800 630
31~50 years old 995 1,009 1,109 1,003
>51 years old 164 187 209 206
<30 years old 44.0% 40.6% 37.8% 34.3%
31~50 years old 48.1% 50.1% 52.4% 54.5%
>51 years old 7.9% 9.3% 9.8% 11.2%
Total Turnover Rate  
<30 years old 9.2% 8.0% 7.9% 6.2%
31~50 years old 10.1% 9.8% 11.0% 9.8%
>51 years old 1.7% 1.8% 2.1% 2.0%

*Data Scope: Includes resigned employees from all production sites listed in the “Entities included in the report”. *Percentage: (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Resigned Employees) × 100%.*Total Turnover Rate: (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Employees) × 100%.


Voluntary Employee Turnover Rate
  2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Employee Turnover Rate 21.0% 19.6% 21.0%
Voluntary Employee Turnover Rate - - 20.4%

*Data Scope: Includes resigned employees from all production sites listed in the "Entities included in the report".* Total Turnover Rate: (Number of Resigned Employees / Total Number of Employees) × 100%.* Voluntary Turnover Rate: (Number of Voluntarily Resigned Employees / Total Number of Employees) × 100%.

OHS Policy

YFY, in collaboration with labor representatives, establishes the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy approved by the chairperson, aiming for zero major incidents. For other business groups, in accordance with article 42, paragraph 1, of the enforcement rules of the occupational safety and health act may be formulated according to the actual needs of the business entity to be completely or partially applicable to the business, and may formulate separately according to the nature of the work and size, and report to the labor inspection agency for future reference. We prioritize action plans in accordance with the YFY OHS Code, continuously improving our management system for better OHS performance.

Occupational safety and health
1. Responsibilities of different levels of responsible units
  • Level 1: Occupational safety and health management group
    A professional in occupational safety and health is responsible for cross-unit coordination.
  • Level 2: Occupational Safety and Health Center
    Responsible for developing safety and health work rules for plants, and acts as the counselor, supervisor, and auditor of safety and health measures.
  • Level 3: Occupational safety teams of plants
    The team is directly responsible for the promotion, execution, and on-site management of occupational safety related works.
2. Safe operations promotion
  • Safety education
  • Labor safety systems
  • Reinforce safety management functions of managers of all levels
3. Operation standardization
  • Standard operating procedures and work safety analysis are implemented for various operations.
4. Employee health management
  • Hold regular employee physical checkups superior to requirements of the Law.
  • Developed Health promotion programs for employees according to health checkup results.
5. Employee safety training
  • Pre-job Training & Transfer Training
  • On-the-Job Training and course Irregularly
6. Accident reporting and investigation
  • Report to the platform and person in charge of occupational safety and health within 24 hours and take place to investigate the cause.
  • Propose improvement plans and make known to the public within one week to prevent it from repeating.
7. Work safety reviews and disaster drills
  • Regular disaster drills
  • Occupational safety and health management platform meetings monthly
  • Equipment safety inspections are reinforced to actively improve the workplace and safety measures.

OHS Management System

In alignment with SDG goals for good working conditions, health, wellbeing, and equality, We follow the "YFY Occupational Safety and Health Management Measures" and "Safety and Hygiene Code of Practice." Utilizing digital management systems, we oversee health, safety, emergency response, accident stats, contractor management, and access control. Occupational safety standards are integrated into procurement processes and contracts.

With the exception of the Investment Holding Office, various headquarters offices, and certain manufacturing sites due to differing operational natures, as well as some contractors and vehicle drivers who are not present full-time on-site, all other production locations comply with or exceed legal requirements and are certified to ISO 45001 for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. This certification ensures consistent management standards for all employees, contractors, security staff, logistics personnel, catering staff, and cleaning staff working on-site. The internal audit coverage of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System at production sites is 100%, encompassing over 10,000 workers, while third-party certification coverage is approximately 86%.

OHS Education and Training

We of fer diver se OHS educat ion through training sessions, instructions, and announcements. Every three years, we provide at least three hours of training and assess its effectiveness to boost employee knowledge and competence. We tailor training programs to local regulations, customizing them based on specific locations.

Establishment of OHS Committee by Labor and Management

To enhance communication, we encourage workers to provide input on employer's policies. Labor representatives, elected or nominated by unions, form the OHS Committee with management representatives like safety personnel and supervisors. Meetings occur quarterly, with Taiwanese labor members comprising over a third of total representatives, other regions comply with local regulations. They assess, coordinate, and advise on OHS matters.

Hazard Identication

YFY regularly hasdesignates trained safety personnel to identify hazards among 10,000 operations at all sites. This includes process review, on-site observation, and document veri cation to spot physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychosocial risks.

Risk Classication and Control

Hazards are assessed by frequency, severity, and risk weight to determine scores. The highrisk hazards with less-frequent inspection undergo prioritized audits. Trained personnel from each unit and location perform management audits.

Audit and Corrective Measures

YFY sites are audited annually, with surprise checks and environment monitoring. Non-compliance results in notications and deadlines for improvements, and follow-ups and re-inspections are done. Inspected sites must assign staff to accurately record non-compliance details and submit them to the OHS Office. The office assists in monitoring improvement progress. In case of immediate danger, the responsible person must quickly halt operations and take suitable actions to ensure staff safety.

Hazard Reporting Process

If workers face immediate danger and no action is taken to address it, they can repor t to their department head to halt operations. The relevant business unit must also be informed until the issue is resolved.If improvements aren't completed by the deadline, report to the OHS Center for enhanced risk management measures and share results with the relevant business unit.According to the "Safety and Hygiene Code of Practice," workers encountering hazards can halt operations and repor t to the site's responsible person without risking others. We safeguards workers' rights and privacy to prevent retaliation.

Incident Response and Management

In case of a workplace accident, the company's safety personnel, workplace manager, and worker representatives categorize it from level one to four. They then report, investigate, analyze, and devise response strategies. For major accidents (level four), the plant's emergency team takes action, reports to the emergency platform within 60 minutes, investigates causes, analyzes hazards, confirms conditions, assesses measures, and proposes improvements within a week to prevent recurrence.

Work-related Fatalities


2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of Work-Related Deaths
0 1 1 0
Percentage of Work-Related Deaths 0.00 0.04 0.05 0.0
Number of Serious Occupational Injuries 2 1 2 2
Percentage of Serious Occupational Injuries 0.09 0.04 0.10 0.09
Recordable Work-Related Injuries/Occupational Injuries 88 63 40 43
Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate/Incidence Rate (TRIFR/IR) 3.88 2.75 1.92 1.9
Lost-Time Work-Related Injuries/Disabling Injuries 21 19 10 18
Lost-Time Injury Frequency Rate/Disabling Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR/FR) 0.93 0.83 0.48 0.8
Major Types of Occupational Injuries Cut, Puncture, Abrasion Caught or Caught In-between Caught or Caught In-between Caught or Caught In-between
Total Working Hours 22,694,513 22,873,199 20,782,727 22,391,401



2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of Work-Related Deaths 1 2 2 0
Percentage of Work-Related Deaths 0.18 0.38 0.40 0.0
Number of Serious Occupational Injuries 0 0 2 0
Percentage of Serious Occupational Injuries 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.0
Recordable Work-Related Injuries/Occupational Injuries 5 6 8 0
Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate/Incidence Rate (TRIFR/IR) 0.89 1.13 1.61 0.0
Lost-Time Work-Related Injuries/Disabling Injuries 5 0 4 0
Lost-Time Injury Frequency Rate/Disabling Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR/FR)  0.89 0.00 0.81 0.0
Major Types of Occupational Injuries Struck Fall or Tumble Cut, Puncture, Abrasion, Struck, Fall -
Total Working Hours 5,606,202 5,309,310 4,954,864 4,886,147

Note 1: Percentage of Work-Related Deaths = (Number of Work-Related Deaths ÷ Total Working Hours) × 1,000,000.Note 2: Percentage of Serious Occupational Injuries = (Number of Serious Occupational Injuries with Lost Days exceeding 180 days ÷ Total Working Hours) × 1,000,000.Note 3: Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate/Incidence Rate (TRIFR/IR) = (Number of Recordable Occupational Injury Cases ÷ Total Working Hours) × 1,000,000.Note 4: Lost-Time Injury Frequency Rate/Disabling Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR/FR) = (Number of Occupational Injuries with Lost Days included ÷ Total Working Hours) × 1,000,000.

YFY supports the UN Global Compact principles and adheres to the UN Declaration of Human Rights and ILO conventions. We have developed a chairperson-approved human rights policy to protect the rights of employees, contractors, temporary staff, and interns for a respectful work environment. We train and communicate to eradicate human rights violations within our operations, as well as those of our suppliers and partners. We prohibit discrimination, ensure equal remuneration, respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, and oppose human trafficking, forced labor, and child labor.

Human Rights Due Diligence Process and Assessment

Human Rights Due Diligence Process and Assessment


YFY enforces a non-discrimination and anti-harassment policy to ensure a harassment-free workplace.We provide regular education and training on gender and sexual orientation equality, as well as sexual harassment prevention, for employees, supervisors, and staff involved in addressing sexual harassment complaints. It's mandatory for everyone to pass this training, and we ensure 100% participation. Relevant information is publicly disclosed in prominent locations. YFY has established a sexual harassment complaint channel managed by the human resources department to handle complaints. Alongside setting up a complaint handling team appointed by the general manager, comprising current employees, experts, or scholars, we also engage external professionals with expertise in gender issues to serve on the investigation team.Aligned with updated government laws and regulations, we continuously develop and implement measures for preventing, investigating, and addressing complaints effectively. Case-speci c measures ensure privacy and rights protection. There were no incidents of discrimination or harassment requiring review in 2023.

Freedom of Association

 YFY has labor unions in various regions, covering 56.53% of employees. Regular meetings allow union reps to voice employee demands to senior management. No signed collective bargaining agreements due to open and effective communication channels. For non-union plants, regular labormanagement coordination meetings occur. YFY respects and responds to demands, promoting labor-management communication. For changes, Article 20 of Labor Standards Act or local laws is followed, with advance communication and counseling programs. There were no adverse reactions from employees or infringements on employees' rights and interests in 2023.

Diversity and Equality in the Workplace

YFY is dedicated to cultivating a diverse workplace environment that encompasses a balanced labor structure across gender, age, professional fields, nationality, and inclusion of individuals with disabilities. We actively assess gender diversity among our employees, particularly focusing on the representation of women in management roles across various levels. This commitment extends to promoting gender balance within our talent reserve initiatives.

2023 Achievements in Workplace Gender Diversity
  Male Female
Employee Gender Distribution 75.61% 24.39%
Percentage of Employees in All Management Positions, including Junior, Middle, and Senior Management 80.23% 19.77%
Percentage of Employees in Junior Management Positions 77.30% 22.70%
Percentage of Employees in Middle Management Positions 82.20% 17.80%
Percentage of Employees in Senior Management Positions 88.24% 11.76%
Percentage of Non-management Positions 75.23% 24.77%
Percentage of Employees in Management Positions in Revenue-generating Functions 90.16% 9.84%
Percentage of Employees in STEM-related Positions 67.05% 32.95%

*Data Scope: Includes employees from all production sites listed in the “Entities included in the report” *Managerial positions are divided into three categories: Junior-level:* Revenue-generation is defined as the production and business units that generate revenue.*STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) positions refer to units related to research, information technology, engineering, finance/investment/ management, etc.* Calculation method:Note 1. (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Employees) × 100%.Note 2. (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Management Positions) × 100%.Note 3. (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Management Positions at that level) × 100%.Note 4. (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Non-management Positions) × 100%.Note 5. (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Management Positions in that category) × 100%.Note 6. (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Employees in that position) × 100%.


2023 Percentage of Age Groups in Management and Nonmanagement Positions
  <30 years old 30-50 years old >50 years old
Junior Management Position  - 3.03% 0.80%
Middle Management Position - 1.47% 1.55%
Senior Management Position - 0.13% 0.54%
Non-Management Positions 15.46% 62.09% 14.93%

*Managerial positions are divided into three categories: Junior-level:* Percentage: (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Employees) × 100%* "-" indicates no employees at that management level.


2023 Distribution of Regular Employees by Region
Nationality Share in total workforce Share in all management positions, including junior, middle and senior management
Republic of China (Taiwan) 46.83% 64.89%
Vietnam 15.57% 2.08%
Indonesia 3.90% 0.00%
Thailand 0.15% 0.13%
Philippines 0.35% 0.00%
Malaysia 0.02% 0.26%
Mainland China 32.16% 32.51%
Netherlands 0.01% 0.00%
Japan 0.01% 0.13%
Total 100.00% 100.00%

*Data Scope: Includes employees from all production sites listed in the “Entities included in the report” *Managerial positions are divided into three categories: Junior-level:* Share in total workforce: (Number of Employees of that nationality / Total Number of Employees) × 100%.* Share in all management positions: (Number of Employees in managerial positions of that nationality / Total Number of Managerial Positions) × 100%.


2023 Percentage of Nationalities in Management Positions
Nationality Junior Management Position Middle Management Position Senior Management Position
Republic of China (Taiwan) 25.49% 31.34% 8.06%
Vietnam 1.69% 0.39% -
Indonesia - - -
Thailand 0.13% - -
Philippines - - -
Malaysia 0.13% 0.13% -
Mainland China 23.54% 8.32% 0.65%
Netherlands - - -
Japan - - 0.13%
Total 50.98% 40.18% 8.84%

*Managerial positions are divided into three categories: Junior-level: * Percentage: (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Employees) × 100% * "-" indicates no employees at that management level.

20223Percentage of Employees by Disability Type
  Mild Moderate Severe/ Profound  No special status (General population) Total
Percentage of Workforce 0.35% 0.23% 0.17% 99.25% 100%

*Data Scope: Includes employees from all production sites listed in the “Entities included in the report”* Percentage: (Number of Employees in that category / Total Number of Employees) × 100%.

Share of Local people in Middle and Senior Management Positions

Since 1984, YFY has been exporting complete plants internationally, sharing our expertise in the paper industry. We also focus on developing local talent, promoting them to management positions.

Share of local people in senior management positions
  2020 2021 2022
Taiwan 100% 99% 99%
Mainland China 32% 32% 34%
Vietnam 6% 7% 0%
Netherland - - -

*Data Scope: Includes employees from all production sites listed in the “Entities included in the report”* Proportion: Number of local employees in middle and senior management positions / Number of local middle and senior managers.* De­nition of Middle and Senior Management: Management titles of grades 8 and above with managerial or executive responsibilities.* Definition of Local Employees: Refers to individuals who possess complete citizenship of the local country. "Taiwanese expatriates" from Mainland China,Vietnam, and the Netherlands are classi­ed as "non-local employees" regardless of whether they hold local identi­cation documents or not.

Salary System

YFY maintains a balance between external business and internal fairness by implementing a comprehensive system for salaries, welfare, and performance. We exceed legal leave requirements and share profits to attract, retain, develop, and motivate talent. Employee compensation at YFY is based on market surveys, taking into account education, experience, skills, and roles. Promotions lead to immediate salary adjustments, without any bias towards gender or age. From 2021 to 2023, annual salary adjustments ranged from 2-3% of the total employee salary. According to YFY’s Articles of Association, one-thousandth of profits must be allocated to employees in profitable years. Bonus criteria are based on both company and individual performance, aligning with market norms to encourage contributions and growth.

2023 Analysis of Gender Pay Gap


Difference Between Men and Women Employees
Mean gender pay gap 0.7%
Median gender pay gap 6.9%
Mean bonus gap
Median bonus gap -46.4%

* Data Scope: Employees in Taiwan. * Difference between men and women employees: [(Male Employee Salary - Female Employee Salary) / Male Employee Salary] x 100%

Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage
項目 2020 2021 2022 2023
Taiwan Male 100% 100% 100% 100%
Female 101% 107% 102% 100%
Mainland China Male 100% 100% 100% 100%
Female 100% 100% 100% 100%
Vietnam Male 128% 128% 107% 134%
Female 128% 128% 107% 140%

* The above amounts include all xed salaries and do not include overtimepay, emergency repair or standby allowances, sales bonuses, shift allowances, meal subsidies, variable performance bonuses, and other non-xed salaries.* Minimum Wage Ratio: (Minimum Individual Salary / Government-announced Minimum Wage) x 100%.* The announced basic salary in Mainland China varies by region, ranging from RMB 1,720 to 2,590. Therefore, the calculated result falls between 100% and 214%, with 100% ensuring it is higher than the locally announced basicsalary.* The announced basic salary in Vietnam is VND 3,900,000 to 4,680,000


Corporate Citizenship Strategy

YFY is committed to a "People-Oriented" approach, deeply embracing humanistic care while fostering culture, reading, and learning as core aspects of its social investment strategy. We offer paid volunteer leave and support non-profit organizations through charitable donations of money and materials. Our goal is to build a "symbiotic" relationship with the community, going beyond mere cooperation to include close interaction characterized by mutual assistance and dependence. By harnessing the collective power of our enterprises and communities, we aim to address social issues collaboratively and create sustainable solutions.

To strengthen its connection with the community, each YFY factory site has established relationships with local neighborhood leaders, schools, and social welfare groups to develop an information exchange network. This network helps us understand and address the challenges faced by the local community. Through ongoing care and long-term investment, we strive to foster sustainable, mutually beneficial development for the community. YFY’s existing operational assets and projects under development in 2023 have not required community consultations due to any potential issues.

Social Engagement Priorities

Deeply Cultivating Environmental Education through Place-Based Learning “Living Forest: Reading  Sustainability Project”

In 2023, Chung Hwa Pulp Corporation Jiutang Plant, a subsidiary of YFY, along with the Kaohsiung Municipal Library, will continue the "Living Forest: Reading  Sustainability Project," which they have been jointly implementing since 2022. They will host a series of activities, including "Comics Love the Earth: A Short Story of Mom's Action Drama," "Hands-On Fun: Handmade Paper Experience Camp," "Knowledge Learning: Bookmobile / Forest Green Treasure / Wetland Reading Day," and "Animal Forest Library: AR Technology Reading." These events aim to foster unity among employee families and community residents, encouraging engagement and embodying the company's entrepreneurial spirit of local deep cultivation and community prosperity.

永豐餘集團支持國內文化發展(單位 : 新台幣元)
永豐餘集團支持國內文化發展 2024年投入總金額(新台幣) $11,334,020
編號 投入對象 投入方式 活動詳細說明 投入金額/價值(NTD) 2024年活動/投入時間
1 鼓勵民眾接觸文化藝術活動 挹注美術館、博物館、地方文化機構等藝文場館 2014年起,永豐餘投資控股股份有限公司為鼓勵民眾接觸文化藝術活動,無償提供臺北科技大學使用約一萬坪的永豐餘的豐原紙廠【2024年全年度租金約9,735,120元】,成立「豐園北科大木創中心」(簡稱木創中心)作為地方文化傳承場域,結合設計規劃、美學素養、文化記憶、木藝技術、永續目標,期許傳承手工技藝文化,如:木藝傳承、木藝創作課程與木藝呈現展,【2024年並對一般民眾舉辦相關活動,木藝創作展】,期許百年林業發展活絡再起,重現臺灣木藝文創的榮景。臉書: https://www.facebook.com/COWTAI/?locale=zh_TW 官網:http://www.cowtai.com/aboutus1.html 9,735,120 2024全年度
2 鼓勵民眾接觸文化藝術活動 支持舉辦中大型藝文活動 台灣零廢永續時尚品牌 STORY WEAR 與忠泰集團旗下藝術策劃團隊「明日製作所」跨界聯合推出 「 永絮意識 Recreating Stories 展覽」,2/27 至4/7於 NOKE 忠泰樂生活 3 樓 UNCANNY展出。展覽以物件的生命延續為題,結合時裝與當代藝術,藉由「絮」代指布料與紙張纖維,將衣物與畫作回歸為原初媒材,帶出人與物的深刻持有關係。 響應此次展場設計結合零廢理念,永豐餘贊助展覽海報用紙(FSC紙材)與印刷(環保大豆油墨),同時回收紙廢紙磚製作為展台,以零廢循環展場,貼近「物件的生命延續」主題,傳遞出「藝術、永續與織品」的永續意識。 40,000 2024/02/27
3 培養閱讀習慣 挹注國內出版



542,511 2024/06/28
4 培養閱讀習慣 支持舉辦閱讀活動 2023年,永豐餘旗下之中華紙漿久堂廠與高雄市立圖書館延續自2022年起共同執行之「森•生不息:閱讀永續計畫」,陸續舉辦「漫畫愛地球短篇:故事媽媽行動劇」、「動手玩樂趣:手抄紙體驗營」、「知識學習:行動書車/森林綠寶藏/走讀濕地」、「動物森林圖書館AR科技閱讀」等活動,促進華紙員工家庭及社區居民一起參與交流,落實該公司在地深耕、社區共榮的企業精神。 150,000 2024/08/01
5 培養閱讀習慣 支持舉辦閱讀活動 為培養公司內部員工閱讀習慣,永豐餘發行逾40年的《豐園》內部印刷刊物,迄今已出版371期,每期印刷超過4000本(2024年編輯出版及稿費共計20萬元)。內容集合企業內部大小事、信誼基金會出版社新書及活動介紹、員工閱讀心得投稿與員工旅遊見聞等等,並不時與外部文化單位合作,摘述貼合趨勢脈動的專題報導。《豐園》是專屬於員工的園地,除搭建起企業與員工的溝通橋樑,帶動同仁閱讀與寫作風氣,藉由付梓印刷成為一本本實體刊物,同步挹注出版印刷行業。 200,000 2024全年度
6 培養閱讀習慣 挹注國內出版 2022年10月設置雲端圖書館,每季添置各式主題書籍,免費提供同仁多元自主學習。圖書館2024度新購219本圖書, 圖書館目前藏書共計537本且雜誌續約14本。 471,769 2024全年度
7 培養閱讀習慣 支持舉辦閱讀活動 支持同仁參與 2024中央書局第五屆【閱讀島中央×週三讀書會】,分享主題包含永續飲食倡議、友善土地關懷、建築城市治理、歷史文學觀察、風土美學體驗以及世界文學探索等,共計七個單元,參與105人次。 105,000 2024全年度
8 文化藝術團體支持 支持原住民文化藝術發展 財團法人原舞者文化藝術基金會於2024年展開紀念鄒族教育家高一生的紀念演出,永豐餘投控以集團工業用紙產品瓦楞紙板投入, 贊助舞團滿足演出設計需求, 並協助推廣舞團演出活動。 46,200 2024年10、11月
9 鼓勵民眾接觸文化藝術活動 挹注美術館、博物館、地方文化機構等藝文場館 2024年12月,永豐餘投控無償提供臺北藝術大學使用永豐餘關渡海悅房舍,辦理美術系分鏡之外Beyond Storyboarding舊漫畫店的空間運用與環境藝術創作課程,讓學生自發性於校外非畫廊之空間共同組織展覽、從空間出發展開創作。 43,420 2024/12/16~2024/12/31

Social Welfare Donations

We continue to invest in social welfare through monetary donations, material contributions, and the allocation of time to support non-profit organizations. In 2023, our investment in social welfare will be nearly NT$120,000,000, bringing our total investment over the past three years to nearly NT$500,000,000.

2023 Type of Philanthropic Contributions (Unit: NT$)
Type of Contribution Cash contributions Time: employee volunteering during paid working hours In-kind giving: product or services donations, projects/ partnerships or similar Management overheads Total
2023 Total amount 5,896,211 983,552 2,738,994 2,354,469 11,973,226

Policy Influence

  • Involvement with Associations and Non-Profit Organizations

YFY continues to leverage its corporate influence to foster communication and dialogue within the industry. We actively engage with industry associations and groups to stay informed about the latest international trends, risks, and opportunities. Additionally, we participate in public hearings, regulatory workshops, and other discussions, providing policy recommendations to the government to aid in policy development and implementation. We adhere strictly to the "Political Donations Act" and internal guidelines such as the "Integrity Management Code" and "Ethical Management Procedures and Behavior Guidelines" to maintain political neutrality.

  • Actively involved in climate initiatives

In response to the Paris Agreement and Taiwan’s 2050 Net Zero Emissions goal, YFY promote climate and environmental management through the Environmental Sustainability Group under the Sustainable Development Committee. This group engages in negotiations with public departments and associations, operates under the supervision of the chairperson of YFY Inc., and reports regularly to the Sustainable Development Committee and the Board of Directors. In addition to continuously tracking the results of climate action implementation, we will align our efforts with the company's strategic goals when collaborating with public departments and associations. We will also evaluate the possibility of participating in other relevant public associations.

We actively participates in climate-related initiatives launched by domestic public associations or international organizations. The topics cover carbon fees, resource recycling, carbon sequestration in the paper industry, renewable energy, etc. Through actual participation or provision of support, YFY jointly promotes the formulation of domestic or regional policies and regulations.  Initiative themes for participation in 2023:

In 2023, the primary resources invested in trade associations or tax-exempt groups will exceed NT$2,300,000. The trend over the past four years is as follows:

Contributions & Other Spending (Unit: NT$)
Category 2020 2021 2022 2023
Lobbying, interest representation or similar 0 0 0 0
Local, regional or national political campaigns/ organizations/candidates 0 0 0 0
Trade associations or tax-exempt groups 2,081,524 1,683,731 2,165,000 2,354,469
Other 0 0 0 0
Total contributions and other spending 2,081,524 1,683,731 2,165,000 2,354,469
Data coverage (% of production sites) 100% 100% 100% 100%
Contributions & Other Spending (Unit: NT$)
Category 2020 2021 2022 2023
Lobbying, interest representation or similar 0 0 0 0
Local, regional or national political campaigns/ organizations/candidates 0 0 0 0
Trade associations or tax-exempt groups 2,081,524 1,683,731 2,165,000 2,354,469
Other 0 0 0 0
Total contributions and other spending 2,081,524 1,683,731 2,165,000 2,354,469
Data coverage (% of production sites) 100% 100% 100% 100%