YFY highly values its relationships with stakeholders. In addition to publishing company information through the company website, internal publications, annual reports, and corporate social responsibility reports, we also encourage stakeholders to contact us through the channels described below(永豐餘利害關係人問卷). Thank you for taking an interest in YFY.
利害關係人 Stakeholder
Stakeholder Communication Channels
and Topics of Concern
Signicance to YFY
The most important partners with YFY who make company go around and grow together.
Communication Channel and Frequency
- Employee communication conference (Quarterly)
- Joint employee welfare committee (Prompt)
- Company Internal Publications (Foong Garden Internal Magazine, quarterly)
- Education and training system (Prompt)
- Employee Satisfaction Survey (two years)
- Company internal electronic platform (Prompt)
- Hotline and Email (real-time).
- ESG Status Survey (annually)
- Information disclosure website (YFY Life) (Prompt)
- Diverse Channels for Employee Feedback: New employees can share their opinions with human resources, and resigned employees can provide feedback through the "Employee Resignation Application and Interview Form" for valuable suggestions to the company (real-time).
Topics of Concern
- Regulatory Compliance
- Corporate Governance / Sustainable Governance
- Health and Safety
- Air, Water, and Waste Management for Environmental Protection
- Ethics, Morality, and Business Code of Conduct
- Human Capital Development
- Economic Performance and Financial Information
2023 Communication Performance
- The "Read Together" cloud library initiative. → As of early February 2024, there have been over 8,980 views.
- We continue to promote functional training, enrichment learning, and EAP (Employee Assistance Program) to develop talent and support our employees. →Employee participation rates for management training and YFY Learning were 90% and 100%, respectively.
- Employee satisfaction surveys are conducted regularly, providing channels for communication and feedback. →The engagement contribution rate was 4.92, and 66.7% of employees were actively engaged.
【Contect person】
Human resources:HR@yfy.com
Signicance to YFY
Experiences and feedbacks from customers are the key to improve qualities of product and service.
Communication Channel and Frequency
- Customer service line (Prompt)
- Online instant customer service (Prompt)
- Business visits(Prompt)
- Customer satisfaction survey (annually)
- ESG status survey (annually)
Topics of Concern
- Climate action and carbon management
- Regulatory compliance
- Corporate governance / Sustainable governance
- Health and safety
- Product environmental impact
- Air, water, and waste emission management
- Raw material usage management
2023 Communication Performance
- Through visits, briefing sessions, customer service hotlines, online real-time support, and customer satisfaction surveys, we ensure that customer experiences and product needs are effectively addressed. →In 2023, the proportion of satisfied customers reached 97.2%.
【Contect person】
Customer service department:client@yfy.com
Signicance to YFY
The company must be responsible to shareholders andinvestors. Through the operation of the shareholders meeting, the company's operating strategy and direction can be guided.
Communication Channel and Frequency
- Shareholders' Meeting (Annually)
- Board of Directors Meetings (At least once every quarter)
- Investor Conference (Quarterly)
- Financial Reports (Annually)
- Monthly Revenue Announcements (Once a month)
- Investor Area of the Company Website (irregularly)
- Public Information Observatory discloses important information (irregularly)
- Public Relations Releases for News Media (irregularly)
- Face-to-Face and Telephone Communication Meetings (irregularly)
- Email (irregularly)
- ESG Sustainability Report (annually)
- Information Disclosure Website (real-time)
Topics of Concern
- Water and Efuents
- Efuents and Waste
- Energy
- Emissions
- Materials
- Customer Health and Safety
- Environmental Compliance
- Socioeconomic Compliance
2023 Communication Performance
- Held one shareholders' meeting, with shares present accounting for 75% of the total issued shares.
- Conducted quarterly legal person briefings. →Taling four physical meetings (in March, May, August, and November) to present the company's financial and business information.
- Invited to participate in the securities firm's institutional investor briefing session.→To provide updates on the company's financial and business status (irregularly).
- Completed four financial report filings in compliance with legal requirements.
- Released a total of 76 major announcements in accordance with legal obligations.
- Responded promptly to investor inquiries.
- Regularly addressed sustainability evaluation questionnaires from investment institutions. →(1)
- Including CDP, DJSI, and Sustainalytics. (2)Published the sustainability report and updated the ESG data on the official website.
【Contect person】
Finance center 莊小姐:IR@yfy.com
Signicance to YFY
The relevant authorities are important partners for the value chain formation advocated by YFY, who supervise companies, revise laws and regulations to urge the companies to comply with changes in international trends.
Communication Channel and Frequency
- Offcial Events and Seminars (Prompt)
- Compliance with law and policy (Prompt)
- Offcial documents (Prompt)
- Taiwan Stock Exchange's ESG InfoHub (annually)
Topics of Concern
- Environmental Management: Air, water, and waste
- Energy Management
- Climate Action and Carbon Management
- Raw Materials Used
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Human Capital Development
- Health and Safety
- Regulatory Compliance
2023 Communication Performance
- Attended the 112th Corporate Governance Assessment and Promotion Course hosted by the Taiwan Stock Exchange.
- Took part in the Securities and Futures Commission's 112th annual legal compliance briefing on insider equity transactions.
- Participated in signing the "National Information Security Joint Defense and Intelligence Sharing Cooperation Memorandum" with the Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Justice on July 20, 2023.
- Engaged in the 112th annual manufacturing compliance and competition promotion activities organized by the Fair Trade Commission.
【Contect person】
ESG office 吳小姐:yfy.csr@yfy.com
Signicance to YFY
Suppliers and contractors are crucial partners in YFY's value chain, both upstream and downstream.
Communication Channel and Frequency
- Supplier Code of Conduct and Statement of Commitment (real-time)
- Contractor construction management system(real-time)
- Negotiation meetings (real-time)
- Supplier evaluation (quarterly)
- Supply chain communication and training (annually)
- ESG status survey (annually)
Topics of Concern
- Climate action and carbon management
- Regulatory compliance
- Corporate governance / Sustainable governance
- Health and safety
- Product environmental impact
- Energy management
- Air, water, and waste management for environmental protection
- Raw material usage management
2023 Communication Performance
- A total of 1,056 suppliers, including all newly qualified ones, have signed a commitment to adhere to common specifications.
- Evaluated 869 suppliers.
- Held ESG education and training sessions for the supply chain, with 141 supply partners participating.
【Contect person】
Material department 陳先生:procurement@yfy.com
Signicance to YFY
The media is an important channels for the company's external communication. The company's strategic planning and execution results are communicated to the public and stakeholders through public communication through the media.
Communication Channel and Frequency
- Press(Prompt) and Investor's Conference (irregularly)
- Advertising sponsorship (irregularly)
- Press release (irregularly)
- Instant messaging software, telephone, and email services (irregularly)
Topics of Concern
- Regulatory compliance
- Human capital development
- Climate action and carbon management
- Corporate governance / Sustainablegovernance
- Health and safety
- Air, water, and waste management for environmental protection
- Community and social engagement
- Financial performance and financial information
2023 Communication Performance
- Held 3 press conferences.
- Conducted 10 media interviews.
- Published 33 press releases.
【Contect person】
Public affair department 張小姐:yfy.ca@yfy.com
Signicance to YFY
YFY always pays attention to the environmental and social effects of communities in which operational activities located. Initiatives, suggestions, supervisions from non-governmental organizations and residents urge YFY to continuously progress.
Communication Channel and Frequency
- Communityself-governing association (real-time)
- Care contact point (real-time)
- Public welfare activities (real-time)
- ESG status survey (annually)
- Information disclosure website (YFY Life, real-time)
- Communication and coordination with responsible units (real-time)
- Hotline and email (real-time)
- Discussion and assistance with research projects commissioned by universities/research institutions (irregularly)
Topics of Concern
- Climate action and carbon management
- Regulatory compliance
- Air, water, and waste management for environmental protection
- Product environmental impact
- Community and social engagement
2023 Communication Performance
- Participation in annual community and social activities. →A total of 811 people contributed 3,616 hours of volunteer work.
- Continued to support social welfare through cash donations, volunteer hours, material donations, and management expenses, totaling nearly NT$50 million dollars over the past three years.
- No existing operating assets or projects under development require community consultation due to potential issues.
【Contect person】
ESG office 吳小姐:yfy.csr@yfy.com
Signicance to YFY
YFY need the connections from related companies and partners, that can promote innovation and business development, and create industry value.
Communication Channel and Frequency
- Communication and coordination with units (realtime)
- Hotline and email (real-time)
- ESG status survey (annually)
- Monthly meeting of the Sustainable Development Committee (monthly)
Topics of Concern
- Climate action and carbon management
- Economic Performance and financial information
- Corporate governance / Sustainable governance
- Ethics, morality, and business code of conduct
- Regulatory compliance
- Product environmental impact
- Raw material usage management
2023 Communication Performance
- Engaged in regular cross-unit communication, coordination, and management with key subsidiaries, covering topics such as sustainable standards, group carbon management, energy and power saving initiatives, carbon reduction projects, fund management, and the introduction of digital platforms.
- Held 11 monthly meetings of the Sustainable Development Committee.
【Contect person】
ESG office 吳小姐:yfy.csr@yfy.com